viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Andean Ceremony at UM, Monday Aptil 29th

End of the year Event

We will gather at the “Quechua & Andean Culture" class at the University of Miami to hold a ceremony in honor to the Pachamama (Mother Earth), and to have an upclose and personal Q & A with Pascual Apaza Flores, a renown and respected ’Wisdom Keeper’ of the Q’ero people (Cuzco Area). Only if you travel to Peru will you have such an experience as this, sure to be filled with much love, laughter and blessings.

Monday, April 29th
6:45 pm - 9pm at the University of Miami
Merrick Building 210-01 (Conference Room).

The event is open to the public.
Donations for the Andean ceremony are accepted.
(Suggested donation per/person:  $35 / $25 students)

For more info, please visit:

Evento del fin de año académico

El grupo de Quechua y Cultura andina de la Universidad de Miami invita a encontrarnos en una ceremonia en honor a la Pachamama (Madre Tierra) y para tener un la posibilidad de conversar con Pascual Apaza Flores, renombrado paqo de la nación Q'ero (Cusco). 

Fecha: Lunes 29 de abril
6:45pm-9pm, en la Universidad de Miami (UM)
Merrick Building 210-01 (Conference Room)

El evento es abierto al público.
Donaciones para financiar la ceremonia andina son bienvenidas.
(Donación sugerida por persona: público en general $35 / $25 estudiantes)

Para más información:

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Quechua Meetings

Every Monday we get together at the University of Miami to talk in Quechua and to share ideas on Andean topics. This season (Spring) we are meeting at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited to join us.
No previous knowledge of Quechua is required.