About us

Quechua Miami

Miami is a multicultural city, very proud of its Latin American heritage. However we feel that Andean Culture and Andean heritage is still overlooked and we want to promote its importance and the very goods things it has to offer: music, traditions, food and especially its language, Quechua.

Quechua is spoken by almost 10 million people in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. It was the official language of the Inca Empire. Due its religious nature is a language very connected with nature and  deep feelings.

We invite Miami citizens with Andean Heritage to rediscover and value the important tradition they are coming from while also welcoming any interested person to join us.

So, if you are already here, thank you for helping to recognize ancestral traditions by keeping the alive in a dynamic way.

Sumaqlla! (All the best)


Américo Mendoza-Mori (a.mendozamori @ umiami.edu)
Jennifer North
Jorge Saavedra

University of Miami - Center for Latin American Studies
Kuyayky Foundation

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